What Is Multimedia?

     Multimedia is the use of a computer to combine a variety of media into a cohesive and purposeful arrangement. Multimedia is an art form, and it forces the artist to shift into a unique perspective and look for creative ways to combine images, links, text, videos and even audio to immerse the viewer into an artistic experience. The whole purpose of multimedia is to encourage both the artist and the viewer to interact and input their own ideas. Communication is the core interest of multimedia, and with an increasingly technological world, any opportunity to connect with one another should be invested in.

    Artists who work in multimedia will often use a software called Adobe Photoshop to create their pieces. Photoshop is a powerful program that can do almost anything when it comes to editing images. At its most basic, Photoshop can cut objects out of images, change their size and even change their brightness. At a more advanced level, Photoshop enables the user to layer images over one another and adjust what parts of the picture are visible, it can erase objects entirely, change their color scheme, and so much more. However, more often than not, Photoshop is used more for practical purposes rather than artistic ones. For example, Photoshop is practiced in advertising and graphic design to attract consumers and market brands. Photoshop is used in fashion magazines to edit models, highlight certain features and erase others. It can also be used in advertisements to create eye-catching images and logos. Photoshop has such a vast expanse of tools and uses that make it an incredibly handy application that can be utilized in a variety of industries.

    Most importantly though, Photoshop teaches its users how to look at the world around them. It gives people who never considered themselves to be an artist a chance to express themselves through digital media. Someone may have never been talented at drawing or painting, but learning the tools in an online application like Photoshop gives them a “technological paintbrush” to create with. Even people who are interested in Photography would benefit from being well versed in Photoshop and enhancing their skills as a photographer. Photoshop is an incredibly versatile tool, and with a few clicks and practice on a computer, people can create real art and meaning with the program. 


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